
Pituitary Gland: function and responsibility - Scoliosis.

scoliosis vancouver
scoliosis alternative treatments

Scoliosis – lateral, concave or convex curvature of the spine.  Scoliosis is a common occurrence in children and adults and is typically dealt with in three ways:

  • Mild curves – exercise
  • Medium curves – (Under 35 degrees) a Milwaukee brace, worn before the body stops growing 
  • Severe curves – a metal rod, surgically implanted around the spinal coloum for life, normally implemented when the adolescent stops growing.

The basis of posture is to maintain eye level parallel with the horizon. Our musculoskeletal system will compensate for abnormalities to maintain this basic principle. When a client presents with scoliosis many structural changes have occurred. Shoulders are not parallel, hips misaligned, internal or external rotation of femur and intern the foot.

The pituitary is an endocrine gland located in the brain which secretes a number of hormones that regulate many bodily functions including growth, reproduction, and other metabolic activities.

In NIS the pituitary gland is also responsible for Iliolumbar ligament, splenius capitis, infraspinatus and rotator muscles. These structures stabilize the spinal column and assist in a variety of movements, all of which are affected in scoliosis. When the pituitary is compromised by fungus, bacteria, virus or stress the whole system is taxed and unable to perform optimally, thus muscular, adrenal and hormonal imbalances occur.

Imbalances frequently present in the following ways: waking un-refreshed, frequent urination, hormonal imbalances (acne, infertility, cycle not 28 days), sinus, vertigo, headaches, scoliosis, hay fever and tired back. Thus challenges the body’s ability to react to life’s stresses. NIS is one of the few systems that reconnects the pituitary with the rest of the body and brain, resolving problems quickly and easily. Scoliosis can create a lot of pain and discomfort; if we can address this before puberty the body will be functionally and anatomically more balanced. In adulthood the effects and degree of scoliosis can be mediated, decreasing pain and discomfort and increasing metabolic function.

Neural Integrated Systems {NIS} is a protocol (system) for reconnecting the neurological and physiological pathways from the brain to all body tissues. It restores congruency to those pathways, bringing the body back to a state of homeostasis (